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Hey There, Supermom—Let's Chat About the Chaos (and Your Secret Superpower for Work-life Balance)

Updated: Jul 10

Super mom conquering work-life balance.

We’ve all been there. You feel like you’re running a marathon with no end in sight. You go from work, where you still have a mile long list of deliverables that you haven’t finished. Then there's the whole circus of picking up the kiddos, battling it out with a tiny human over a single veggie bite, and the nightly bath saga. Before you know it, the kids are finally in bed. You’re equally relieved that they’re finally asleep but also miss their little faces. You’re so tired, overstimulated, and burned out you spend the rest of the evening sitting on the couch with the tv on in the background while you scroll on your phone. Then you do it all over again the next day. 

How about the weekends? They aren’t much better are they? You’re rushing around trying to make a dent in that mountain of laundry, get enough dishes done to ensure something doesn’t start growing in the sink, all while trying to entertain and make memories with the kids. And in the back of your mind, you’re trying not to worry about the work projects waiting for you on Monday. 

Sound familiar? 

Mom struggling with work-life balance

This is the reality for almost every working mom I know. We’re all pulled in so many directions and have so many tasks on our various to-do lists that we can barely hear ourselves think, let alone grow our careers or chase passions outside of being a mom. Let’s not even kid ourselves that self care has even made it on our to do list. Fess up, how many unused "self care" gift cards do you have sitting in your drawer right now? 

But here's a little secret, just between us: You've got a superpower. And no, it's not squeezing in one more load of laundry before bed.

Your Real Superpower? Knowing Your Values

Yup, values. Not exactly the cape-wearing, villain-fighting kind you might've hoped for, but hear me out.

Feeling overwhelmed and burnt out is a sign you're losing touch with what truly drives you. So, let's do a quick exercise: Think of your top 3 values or "why's" that really matter in your life. Got 'em? Ok, put them in order of importance. 

Now, think about the last time you felt like everything was too much. Chances are, one of those values was being ignored or trampled on.

You’re probably thinking great, now I know why I’m so overwhelmed but how does knowing my values turn into a superpower?

When you get crystal clear on what matters most to you, decision-making becomes less about juggling and more about aligning your choices with your values.

Let's get real with some examples, keeping in mind that there's no one-size-fits-all in the realm of motherhood.

Example Time: The Work-Life Balance Juggle

the crossroads of work-life balance

Imagine you're at a crossroads: to continue working from the cozy confines of your home or to venture back into the office for a tempting pay bump. If cherishing every milestone and having a flexible schedule to be there for the little moments is your jam, then sticking with the remote gig is a no-brainer. 

But wait, there's another side to this coin. Perhaps your littles absolutely love their school or daycare, and you're aiming to provide them with the best educational experiences money can buy. In this case, taking that office job, with its shiny salary increase, aligns perfectly with your value of ensuring a top-tier education for your kiddos. Don't miss the 7 Time-Saving Hacks for Increased Productivity to help you manage your schedule and make time for what truly matters.

And here's a bonus nugget of wisdom: values can evolve just as you do. What's important now might shift as your journey unfolds, and that's perfectly okay.

The Mom Guilt Dilemma

Now, let's tackle that pesky mom guilt that sneaks up on us when we're making tough calls. Picture this: a career-defining opportunity pops up overseas at the same time as your child's big game or recital. If advancing your career for the sake of your family's future is what drives you, choosing to attend that conference might just be the ticket.

Feeling guilty for missing out on the kiddo's event? Hold up. Remember, you're not opting out because you don't care. You're making a strategic choice because you're committed to setting a strong example of determination and growth for your kids.

Making decisions through the lens of your values doesn't just guide you; it also acts as a buffer against guilt. You're not a terrible mom for choosing work this time; you're a mom who's passionately working towards a goal that benefits your whole family.

So, What's Next?

Think about it: What are your top 3 values, and how could life look different if you let them call the shots? Imagine making tough choices with confidence because you know they're leading you where you really want to go.

Let's face it, being a mom is tough, but it's also amazing. And when you start living by your values, you'll feel more like the supermom you are—capable of anything, even finding a bit of time for yourself (no, seriously).

So, spill—what are your values?

Your Values, Your Vision, Your Roadmap to Victory

Let's make this chaos a little more manageable, together. Take the first step towards living a life where work, family, and self-care coexist beautifully. Schedule your free breakthrough coaching session and let’s create a roadmap together that honors your vision and values and transforms your everyday chaos into your greatest victory.


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