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Is It Time to Embrace the Pivot?

mom considering a career change or life pivot while she sits with her kids

For moms like us who want to do it all, our determination is both our greatest asset and sometimes our biggest challenge. We dream big, aiming to conquer mountains and turn those dreams into reality. But sometimes, the best thing we can do is pivot and take a different path. This could mean a career change, exploring a new business venture, or simply asking for help when we thought we could handle it all on our own!

When to Push Through and When to Pivot

But how do you know when to push through those tough moments or when it's time to change course? Here’s my approach…

Check-In with Yourself

Am I feeling under the weather, exhausted because the baby isn’t sleeping again, or dealing with a major life change? If temporary hardships are making things tough, I wait until they’ve passed before considering a pivot.

Like they say, “Never make permanent decisions based on temporary feelings. Never make decisions when you are angry, hungry, or tired.

Evaluate the Joy and Suffering Balance

When I’m chasing a dream and the joy I expect to feel in achieving it becomes far less than the suffering I feel working towards it, that’s usually a sign I need to reconsider (I'm looking at you college Calculus!).

Assess Success and Expectations

When I start seeing success in something I’ve worked hard for and it doesn’t feel like I expected, I reassess. We never start new adventures with all the knowledge, and sometimes the most critical insights come only at the end of the journey.

The beauty and challenge of chasing dreams is that we never really know what it’s going to be like when we get there. And that’s totally okay! Every day, we have the chance to make new choices and head in a new direction. As long as we’re learning, growing, and living in line with our core values, it’s never time wasted!

Effortless Check-Ins for When to Pivot

Schedule Regular Check-Ins

calendar with coffee cup on it reminding you to check in with yourself

Put it in your calendar! Regular moments to reflect on your goals and well-being are crucial. Ask yourself if you’re happy with your current path or if a pivot is needed. These check-ins help you stay aligned with your core values and make timely adjustments.

Align Efforts with Core Values and Vision

Are your current efforts aligned with your core values and long-term vision for your life and family? Ensuring alignment helps you determine if your current path truly supports your overall purpose. This way, you can see if continuing or making a pivot better serves your long-term goals and personal fulfillment.

Consider Daily Journaling

I don’t consider myself a BIG journaler (is that a word?), but I do find that getting my thoughts out of my head and on paper can be HUGELY helpful! And I LOVE this little 5-minute gratitude journal. It helps me get in a positive headspace, and I’m not intimidated by endless blank pages.

(Yes, I am an Amazon Affiliate. I mean, who isn’t? So, as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. But don’t worry, it won’t increase the price).

I'd LOVE To Connect With You!

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and join my Facebook Group Aspiring Supermoms for FREE weekly micro-group work-life balance life coaching!

By embracing the pivot and making thoughtful decisions, we can navigate the challenges and joys of motherhood while staying true to our dreams and values. Keep going, mama—you've got this!


Looking for more guidance on balancing motherhood and career? Check out my blog post on Your Superpower for Work-Life Balance for practical tips and insights.

For personalized and DIY life coaching for mama’s who want to do it all, explore my life coaching options at Katie’s Coaching Corner and start your journey towards a more balanced life today!


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