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How to Balance Motherhood and Career: My Story and Tips

New mom and baby

When I became a mom, I promised myself I wouldn’t give up my career. I worked too hard for it. I even got a promotion right before maternity leave! But the second I held my baby, things weren’t so simple.

If you're like me, your whole world shifted the moment you became a mom. You want to keep your career because you've worked hard for it. But holding your baby makes you question everything. How can you think of giving up a career you’ve spent years building? And yet, how can you miss out on the precious moments with your child?

My Story: From HR Director to Life Coach

life coach and her daughter laughing

Hi, I’m Katie—a mom to a fiery 4-year-old girl and the sweetest little 16-month-old boy. Before I started my life coaching business, I was an HR Director, and I spent years helping people find work-life balance. But after the birth of my son, I had a wake-up call. I realized that while I had been creating balance for everyone else, I’d neglected my own.

That’s when I made the bold decision to leave my corporate job and start a coaching business to help mamas like you balance motherhood and career. And guess what? It’s not just about big, bold moves—it’s about small, everyday steps.

The Struggle Between Family and Career: Why We Feel Torn

So, why do we feel torn between our families and careers? It comes down to societal, family, and self-imposed expectations. We hear conflicting messages: One side says to be the best mom ever, we should stay home. The other side tells us we’re modern women who’ve worked hard for our careers—how could we give them up?

working mom at breakfast table

When I had my first child, I was determined to go back to work, no questions asked. I’d invested too much in my degree to waste it. But returning to a stagnant job wasn’t cutting it. So, while on maternity leave, I applied for a management role at a new company. It sounded like a great idea at the time… until I was juggling a new job, a newborn, and a pandemic. Hello, mom guilt!

Fast forward a few years: I got promoted to Director while pregnant with my son, and I swore this time I’d be more present. But when I returned to work, the balance I’d fought for evaporated. The pressure at work, my boss disregarding my boundaries, and the demands of motherhood led to postpartum depression. I wondered if being a stay-at-home mom was the solution.

Spoiler alert: it wasn’t.

As much as I love my children, I knew deep down that being a stay-at-home mom wasn’t the answer for me. I wanted to be more than just “mom,” and that’s okay! That’s when I took a step back and focused on my core values and non-negotiables.

Here’s the truth: you get to decide what kind of mom, career woman, and person you want to be. It’s your choice, and nobody else can make it for you.

5 Tips to Find Work-Life Balance as a Mom

(1) Ignore the Noise

Whether it’s societal pressure or family expectations, tune them out. Only you get to decide what motherhood and your career should look like.

(2) There’s More Than Two Options

It’s not just stay-at-home mom vs. working mom. In today’s world, there are many ways to blend motherhood and work, like part-time, freelancing, or something else that works for you.

(3) Small Pivots Are Okay

You don’t have to make a giant leap. Start small and adjust as you go. If something doesn’t work out, pivot again!

(4) Know Your Values

Get clear on what’s most important to you. Your non-negotiables are your guideposts for creating balance in your life.

(5) Take One Step

Think about what your best days and weeks look like. Take one small step toward creating more of that.

Create Your Own Balance Between Motherhood and Career

It's all about letting go of the expectations of family, of society, of all of the "shoulds" that we're told all of our life. When you let go of those and decide and claim and own who you really want to be, what you want motherhood and your career or not career to look like, that's when you really become the best version of you and the best mom that you can be for your kids.

Need Help Creating Your Own Balance?

I know exactly what it feels like to be caught between loving your career and wanting to be fully present as a mom—it’s overwhelming. But you don’t have to figure it out alone. Through my 1:1 coaching, we’ll work together to create a plan that fits your life, your values, and your vision of balance.

I’ve been there, and I can help you take that first step toward feeling less torn and more in control.

👉 Click here to learn more about my 1:1 coaching and book a 15-minute coffee chat. Let’s create the balance you’ve been craving—together.


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